Simple, Quick and Affordable Online English Writing Courses

Learn English writing with our simple, quick, and affordable online courses. Enhance your language skills and boost your writing abilities. Sign up for our online courses today!

Online English writing courses
  • Are you looking for a course to improve your English writing?
  • Are you interested in enrolling in an affordable, yet fast and effective online English writing course?
  • Do you wish you could take a quick writing course that would get to the point, help you improve your writing, and enable you to have some support with online group sessions that you can join without impacting your work or other life commitments?

You have come to the right place!

Whether you are a student pursuing your academic goals, a professional striving for success in your career, or someone simply looking to learn and grow your English writing confidence, we have the perfect course for you!

Our courses are the brainchild of journalist, Joycellyn Akuffo, who has helped more than 4,000 people (adults and children) to improve their writing skills and knowledge in the past decade!

Online English writing tutor

Joycellyn is also the managing director of Geek School Tutoring, which has been helping hundreds of adults and children to reach their academic goals in STEM subjects for more than a decade!

Write with confidence – learn the easy way to improve your spelling, punctuation and grammar on your own terms!

Gain confidence in your writing skills – discover simple and effective techniques to enhance your spelling, punctuation, and grammar (SPaG), on your own terms!

All our resources are written by someone who is obsessed with playing with words and a seasoned journalist! So you can rest assured that you are in the perfect hands.

You’ll find free blog posts, downloads and courses that will help you to improve your SPaG in less than no time!

Nothing beats helping someone find confidence in their writing. After all, these days everything is social media, email, texts and other form of writing, so there is no escaping glaring errors!

writing coach

So What Now?

The big question is what you would like help with. We have a range of courses and coaching sessions available, which you can start immediately. Or you can book a consultation call to find out which course would be best for you.